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CS Traduções
Translation Company
Quality translation services at competitive prices
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Ask for a Quotation

You may request an instant quote for your translation by filling in the form, on our site, with your personal data and the details of the translation project.
You will receive an immediate quotation and you will be able to confirm your order. Thus your translation will be pre-approved.

In less than 24 hours, you will receive an Email confirmation of the pre-approved quotation and the delivery deadline.

If you prefer, you may email us directly to cstraducoes.pt#geral Please attach the document to be translated and state the target language.

All documents are quoted according to the number of words in the source document. To find out the full cost of the translation multiply the total number of words in the source document by the price per word.

Acceptance and Confirmation
As soon as you get our e-mail with the final approval of your budget, please send us an e-mail with the confirmation and acceptance of the specified terms.
As soon as we receive your confirmation, we will immediately start working on your project.
All documents are treated as confidential.
Personal Data Documents

In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), which comes into force on 25 May 2018, with the exception of data required for issuing invoices, all personal data of individuals will be systematically erased after fulfilling the purpose for which it was requested or received.

Personal data of individuals supplied by the client/customer will only be used for the purposes for which they were supplied, for the period of time needed to comply with the aforementioned purposes and will not be supplied to third parties, except to comply with legal requirements or to carry out a linguistic service requested by the Client.

We require your consent in writing for us to translate/ revise/ adapt/ transcribe any document containing your personal data and/or of minors in your care. You may send your Consent by email, mail or by personal delivery. You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us by email.

Delivery of the translation
Your translation will be delivered by the agreed deadline respecting the format of the original document:
- by e-mail (in the given format: doc, Acrobat, html, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.)
- by fax
- by mail
Payment and Invoicing  
The invoice will be sent by normal mail or e-mail before the payment has been settled.
A minimum deposit of 50% of the value of the translation will be requested before we start your project.
Following a private agreement, the translations will be delivered after payment. Payment can be made by bank transfer, money transfer (Western Union) or PayPal.
Our quality...
Our translations are done by experienced professionals whose mother tongue is the target language.
Each translation is revised to guarantee you the quality of the final work.
Translated languages
Portuguese Portuguese
French French
Spanish Spanish
English English
German German
Italian Italian
Fax./Tel. +351 224042127 Mobile. +351 917675998
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